Drug Rehab in Hazleton, PA

If you are chemically addicted and would like nothing more than to get your old life back, the enormity of the challenge before you probably gives you pause. As the quote by the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu goes, however, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. You don't need to think any further than a day at a time. As a quote by Confucius goes, it doesn't matter how slowly you go, as long as you don't stop. You only need to keep taking one step after another and resolve never to give up. Before long, you'll get used to the effort, and you'll begin to enjoy the fruits of your efforts -- a healthier mind and body, and a life that simply works. To make sure that this happens, however, you need to take those steps in the right direction. Accepting great drug rehab in Hazleton is the best way to do that. Hazleton Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers can give you guidance.

What to Expect at Drug and Alcohol Rehab

What steps are involved with rehab treatment in Hazleton, depends greatly on the specifics of the individual case -- the drugs involved in the addiction, the age and health of the person in need of treatment, and even the treatment philosophy favored by the rehab center that you choose. In general, however, if you choose a good drug rehab center, your treatment will involve four key stages: intake, detox, rehab, and aftercare. Any questions that you may have, all you need to do is to ask a drug rehab in Hazleton. Contact a Drug Rehab in Hazelton today and get guidance for your recovery journey.

The Intake Stage

There is no end of options available when you look for drug rehabs. It's both easy and important to research these options before you commit to anything. A program has to be both competently designed to scientific principles and be right for you. As an example, some programs focus on spiritual healing more than others; if you aren't a spiritual person, such a program would only annoy you. A Rehab's philosophy in the area of pain relief can make a good example, as well. While some drug and alcohol rehab centers work on the principle of minimal pain and take every effort to ensure is that the patient feels as little discomfort as possible, others do not believe that pain is worth too much bother. If you are very sensitive to pain (as, indeed, most are), you should avoid such rehabs.

It's important to keep a number of other basic principles of rehab in mind as you enter the intake process of rehab:

  • It isn't a good idea to sign up to a short-term program; as long as the program is, the better your chances that come. A 90-day program is usually considered best.
  • The program should focus on the therapy in the detox, rehab and aftercare stages. Therapy is actually the most important part of any rehab program.
  • Since psychiatric illnesses are very common among those with addictions and are the main reason for the failure of many rehab attempts, it's important to make sure that there is testing for psychiatric and psychological disorders right at the intake stage.
  • If you do have a psychiatric illness or health complications, you should make sure that you are offered inpatient or residential treatment. The protective environment, constant support, and supervision of the inpatient environment are essential to the treatment of complex addictions.
  • Make sure that the place has medically qualified staff on call at all times, and that they are capable of administering medications whenever needed. You should also make sure that the staff is friendly and there is enough personal freedom allowed.

A Drug Rehab in Hazelton Can Help Guide You

In nearly every kind of addiction, quitting, or even tapering down, comes with several days of violent reaction in the brain, called withdrawal symptoms. These are artifacts of a brain attempting to become used to functioning in the absence of drugs. The severity of these symptoms depends on the individual, the kind of drugs in use and the length of the addiction in question. Withdrawal symptoms can be deadly, and it's important to make sure always to have medical help, at least through the first two weeks. With medical help, these painful and potentially fatal symptoms can be greatly eased.

The Rehab Stage

When you successfully complete detox in 2, 3 or 4 weeks of care, your brain will have finally adjusted to a drug-free reality and learned to function in a normal way. You won't feel withdrawal symptoms anymore. The cravings are a different matter, however. Cravings are a psychological artifact, and cannot simply be changed. In the rehab stage, you undergo intensive therapy to learn strategies that help you avoid setting off those psychological cravings. You learn to address and correct psychological deficiencies and learn to live a fuller and more rewarding life so that your mind doesn't need to think of drugs. You may undergo individual therapy, family therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy or moral reconation therapy, depending on your specific needs.

Only the very best drug addiction rehab centers offer comprehensive therapeutic intervention, and it's important to thoroughly learn about the quality of therapy offered before you sign up.

Aftercare Centers For Drug Rehab in Hazleton

Rehab can take months, but when you are finally ready for the world, you need to take baby steps to prevent damaging stress. This is what aftercare ensures, in the form of facilities for sober living in Hazleton. These are homes outside of rehab where you sample some freedom and accept a few responsibilities while still thriving under the structure and discipline of supervision.

It may take many steps to come out of addiction, but the effort is worth it. With about the year or so of work, you'll be on your way to enjoying the life that you deserve. All you need to do is to make sure that you find a great drug rehab in Hazleton. Contact Hazleton Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers today (877) 804-1531.

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